Photo Challenge & Tip: Sunburst

Photo Challenge & Tip Sunburst Coming through tree branches.

This week’s Photo Challenge & Tip: Sunburst! A Sunburst is capturing the sun in your photo that you can see the sun’s rays in a star shape. Partially hide the sun behind trees, buildings, out of frame or etc for an artistic touch. Move around a lot, even if it is slightly to see even the changes in the Sunburst. Shoot during different times of the day. The sunlight comes in at different angles and this creates different color temperatures in photograph. Sunbursts taken at the golden hour (sunrise and sunset) is more of a warmer light and midday is cooler (bluish), which is more of a natural light.

Post your Photo Challenge & Tip: Sunburst photo(s) on social media and use the hashtag #MBPhotoChallenge

Every Monday I’ll give you a photo prompt to enhance your photography skills and you’ll have a great future album!! I challenge you to use the MBPhoto Challenge in your photography throughout the week. Think of it as a photography scavenger hunt! Take as many or as few pictures as you desire that week. Use any camera you have…DSLR, film, phone, or even a Polaroid. Post your photo(s) on social media and use the hashtag #MBPhotoChallenge

The only requirements to the MBPhoto Challenge is that you have fun and be creative!
Click Here For More Photography Challenges and Tips


Photo Challenge & Tip Sunburst Coming through tree branches.